Meet Amby Burfoot!
Amby Burfoot stands as a titan in the running world.
Crowned the Boston Marathon champion in 1968, he became the first collegian to win this prestigious event and the first American to claim the title since John Kelley in 1957.
As well as a stellar racing career, Amby channeled his passion for running into journalism. He joined Runner’s World magazine in 1978, rising to the position of Editor-in-Chief and then serving as its Editor-at-Large.
As well as being the author of several books on running, he regularly contributes articles to major publications, and curates his weekly Run Long, Run Healthy Newsletter.
Hey Amby, how long have you been running?
61 years out of my current age of 77.
What’s your marathon PR?
Favorite race:
I have two.
First, the Boston Marathon, which I won in 1968, and have finished 26 times.
Then the Manchester, Connecticut, Thanksgiving Day 5-Mile, which I have finished 60 years in a row.
Your bucket list race:
Berlin Marathon.
Your typical weekly mileage:
25 miles per week.
Other than running, what are your favorite pastimes?
Reading, writing.
What’s a random fact about you that most people don’t know?
I was born the same day and year as former U.S. president Bill Clinton.
What’s your message to new runners?
Slow down. Use the run-walk-run method.
Why do you love running?
Because I always feel great, physically and emotionally, after every run.
What’s your favorite quote about running?
“We do not stop exercising because we grow old. We grow old because we stop exercising.” Dr. Kenneth Cooper
What’s one myth about runners you wish was debunked or done away with once and for all?
It’s a myth that running is boring. Runners always choose the most interesting and scenic routes in the area where they live.
Also, running liberates the mind to range freely … and that’s the opposite of boring.
Do you have any pets?
A dog and a cat.
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