Overtraining is a real risk for athletes, both professionals and weekend warriors. For most of us, it can be very challenging to fit running training around work, family, and other commitments.
Unfortunately, this can lead to some runners searching for shortcuts to improving their physical performance and perhaps consistently choosing fast interval sessions over low-intensity aerobic runs.
This can eventually leave the body exhausted and may lead to what is commonly known as overtraining or overtraining syndrome.
Overtraining can be defined as physical stress created by high training loads coupled with inadequate recovery time.
Overtraining can occur at any stage of your running journey. It’s not only a thorn in the side for newcomers to the sport but can also affect experienced runners, who use a rushed approach to see improvement in athletic performance.

Many of the top elite athletes will tell you that moving from amateur to elite level is not always about training harder and doing more intense training sessions.
They would say that the major difference between being a full-time athlete (and not needing to balance work with their training) is that you’ll have more time to rest and recover between sessions.
In her autobiography, Triple Ironman champion Chrissie Wellington discusses how she initially found this element of being a full-time elite triathlete hard to adapt to.
She had worked as a senior civil servant in London for many years before going full-time, so she was used to having a demanding, mentally challenging, and stimulating job.
However, she soon realized that most of her peers in her training group spent most of the time between training sessions watching TV and movies. So, they were essentially mentally switching off, and they considered it vital to achieve adequate recovery.
Less is more.
The East Africans employ a similar approach to their training and recovery. It is uncommon for them to run in the morning, have some food, and then go back to bed for a few hours. They will also fit a nap into their afternoon before undertaking their second session of the day.
Now, as amateur athletes, we don’t have the luxury of taking multiple naps per day, so we need to ensure that we have a good strategy for adequate rest worked into our training program.
In this guide, we will discuss the usual warning signs and symptoms, common causes, and recovery strategies to avoid or help you overcome the dreaded overtraining phenomenon.
What Are The Most Common Symptoms Of Overtraining?
Are you worried you may be suffering from overtraining syndrome? Here are the most common signs that can alert an endurance athlete they are suffering from this complication:
- Tiredness or chronic fatigue
- Elevated resting heart rate: (3-5 beats higher than usual)
- Lack of interest in training
- Poor sleep
- Persistent muscle soreness, aches and pains
- Slower recovery from physical activity
- Underperformance and fitness plateaus
- Hard to concentrate and focus
- Common cold-like symptoms (low immune system)
- Overuse injuries
- Mood changes
- Irregular menstrual cycles
- Loss of appetite and/or weight loss

What Are The Common Causes Of Overtraining?
#1: Doing Too Much Too Soon
This is when you are overreaching and have increased your weekly training volume or introduced more high-intensity training sessions too soon.
Be patient!
The key is to increase your volume by no more than 10% per week, as this will most often allow your body to adapt slowly to the extra training demands.
#2: Not Taking A Rest Day
It’s amazing how many runners don’t take a rest day. Remember, it is not about constantly pushing your body to perform better, but the key to building fitness is allowing your body time to recuperate and absorb the extra training load.
Taking at least one day off per week will reduce the risk of burning out and help you towards full recovery for your next session. You can even continue activity by doing rest day workouts; just be mindful of the intensity.
This is especially true when training for a marathon or other distance event where your training mileage is constantly increasing. That rest period is crucial.

#3: Racing Too Often
It’s only natural to get hooked on racing.
Not only do you get a chance to see how your training is progressing, but there are huge social benefits as the race atmosphere is quite enjoyable.
Yet, pushing your body to the limit week in and week out will eventually lead to burnout.
The races will not only take their toll physically, but you’ll likely feel mentally exhausted, too.
#4: Not Getting Enough Sleep
The general rule of thumb is that each adult should seek to get 8 hours of sleep per night. The advice for those who regularly train is to get a little bit more, around 9 hours if possible.
Therefore, try to ensure that you are getting sufficient sleep, especially if your program includes high-intensity sessions. Your body needs enough time to rest to continue training at your potential.

#5: Not Leaving 48 Hours Between Hard Sessions
High-intensity sessions, such as long repetitions, fartlek, short speed intervals, and tempo runs, are excellent ways to build fitness.
In fact, one of the legendary British coaches, Frank Horwill, stated that to improve your performance, you’ll have to do some of your running between 80-100% of your V02 max.
However, the stressors your body experiences during these sessions cannot be taken lightly. It is recommended that you allow at least 48 hours between these hard sessions. Any less, and your body will not have sufficient time to rest and recover.
#6: Not Eating Post-Session
One well-known theory from sports science research is that you should maximize your body’s recovery from a hard training session by paying attention to the 30-minute window afterward.
Eat a small snack, such as a banana or a peanut butter sandwich, or drink a shake, and you’ll kickstart the body’s recovery and help replace depleted glycogen stores. Ensure your snack has both protein and carbohydrates.
Related: Is Overtraining Just Undereating? Here’s The Compelling New Evidence

#7: Not Drinking Enough Water
Your performance during a training session will partly depend on your hydration before starting. It’s recommended you drink 2-3L of water a day.
If you’re doing a hard session in the evening, you could consider consuming a small quantity of isotonic drink 1 hour before starting the session to ensure you are as hydrated as possible and not beginning sessions in a dehydrated state.
#8: Racing Every Rep In Training Sessions
This is akin to doing too many races, which we discussed earlier.
Most runners are naturally competitive and like to push themselves in training, but it is not advisable to go as hard as possible in each repetition.
It’s always better to finish a training session feeling that you have some gas left in the tank.
How Do I Recover From Overtraining?
#1: Take A Hot bath
You can use this to help relax the muscles and help the body rest with the soothing nature of the hot water. Putting some Epson salts into the bathtub is a tried and tested method.
#2: Add A Yoga Session In Here And There
Yoga is a light activity that can be fit in either early in the morning or evening. It not only helps to stretch those tight muscles, but by engaging in the breathing techniques, you will learn to relax the body and overcome feelings of stress and unease.
Yoga and running are surprisingly complementary.

#3: Perform Some Light Stretching
Adding some light stretching to your training regimen can really aid the recovery and repair of your muscles.
Aim to focus on the major muscle groups first—hips, quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, and lower back. You may also find that some targeted glute stretching will leave you feeling nice and loose.
#4: Take A Walk In Nature
Going for a stroll and a gentle walk in nature can help you reconnect with the natural environment.
The relaxing and calming experience of listening to the sounds of nature, like the chirping of the birds or the flowing of a small stream, can lower stress levels. It’s a chance to switch off from the usual hustle and bustle of city living and focus on your well-being.

#5: Swim
Swimming is a great exercise, and many runners try to include it in their weekly schedule as an active recovery day or a form of cross-training. The water helps relieve the pressure on your legs, and you will also get an upper-body boost.
#6: Go For A Light Bike Ride
Hopping on the bike and going for a short spin will allow you to work out aerobically while reducing pressure on your ankle and knee joints.
#7: Reduce Your Training Intensity Or Volume
By reducing the intensity of your training runs and spending some time enjoying the simple nature of just running, you’ll give your body the chance to recuperate. Also, a decrease in volume (run fewer days than normal or shorten the length of your runs) can help significantly.
If you normally wear a GPS watch and like to track your pace, then maybe leave it at home and simply enjoy the experience of running without having to stress or worry about hitting a certain pace.
You’ll experience a great sense of liberation, which will once again help you focus on your recuperation.

How Can I Listen To My Body And Avoid Overtraining?
This is a fundamental skill and an incredibly useful ability to develop.
No one knows your body better than you, so take the time to listen to it and notice aches and pains.
The ability to listen to your body will improve with time as you become better at understanding the optimum mix of low-intensity aerobic running and high-intensity interval sessions that you can handle without burning out.
After all, most runners should prioritize the continued joy of running, remaining injury-free, and staying consistent with their training to reach optimum performance benefits.
Keep an eye out for the common signs and enjoy the relaxing and restorative nature of the alternative activities outlined above.
If you want to take a deep dive into how running can improve mental health, check out this next guide:
Thanks for such a useful article. It’s a nice reminder of how important it is to slow down sometimes and conquer the big challenge of body not being able to keep up with the ambitious mind.