The runner’s high is real – that exhilarating, if not euphoric feeling which you can reach simply through running is not something your trainer made up to convince you to keep running.
Everyone has heard of the runner’s high, but it’s often treated as a myth – something intangible and unproven.
However, in recent years several studies have confirmed the existence of the high and identified the conditions that stimulate those feel-good brain chemicals.
In this article, we’ll look at how to experience runner’s high, as well as the biology and neuroscience behind what happens when you experience it, and some theories as to why we experience it.
Let’s jump in!
What Is The Runner’s High?
The Runner’s High is a feeling of elation brought on by continuous exercise, created when the body releases a combination of endorphins and endocannabinoids.1Fuss, J., Steinle, J., Bindila, L., Auer, M. K., Kirchherr, H., Lutz, B., & Gass, P. (2015). A runner’s high depends on cannabinoid receptors in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(42), 13105–13108.
It can vary in its intensity and effects, but a typical runner’s high includes:
- Feelings of elation, exhilaration, calm, and positive vibes
- Reduced levels of stress
- Less awareness of pain or discomfort.
The runner’s high isn’t exclusive to running but can be attained through different forms of continuous strenuous exercise.
It’s most commonly associated with running, as the conditions of going for a run well suit the required state to induce a runner’s high.
The runner’s high is one of many neurobiological effects of physical exercise (i.e. how exercise can change your brain state).
How Long Does The Runner’s High Last?
The runner’s high is relatively short-term. The euphoric state will typically wear off a few hours after you finish your run.
What Causes A Runner’s High?
The runner’s high takes place completely inside your brain.
It’s triggered by a flood of endorphins – those feel-good brain chemicals – which kick in after a bout of physical exercise.
What Are Endorphins?
Endorphins are your body’s homemade opiates, which actually act similarly to morphine (the engineered version of an opiate).
These chemicals originate in the central nervous system and pituitary gland and are ultimately sensed by the brain’s prefrontal and limbic regions – the same area that responds to other strong emotions, like love.
When the area gets more endorphins, the feeling of euphoria gets stronger. The more you push yourself in running (especially distance running), the more endorphins rush the brain, fueling the high.
Endorphins are released as a reaction to pain and discomfort, in order to numb those effects and allow the body to keep functioning.
In this sense, as well as making you feel good, endorphins are natural painkillers.
More recent research found that endorphins can’t do the job on their own, however.
Endorphins are relatively large molecules (you’ll still have to look at them through a microscope, but they’re much larger than many other molecules) that can’t get through the blood-brain barrier on their own.2Fuss, J., Steinle, J., Bindila, L., Auer, M. K., Kirchherr, H., Lutz, B., & Gass, P. (2015). A runner’s high depends on cannabinoid receptors in mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(42), 13105–13108.
So, they need endocannabinoids to help the process along.
What Are Endocannabinoids?
The Endocannabinoid system is our body’s natural version of THC (yes, the same thing found in cannabis), and it affects the entire body.
Endocannabinoids help create a sensation of calm and tranquility, which not only relaxes your mind but can relax unnecessary tension in your muscles.3Endocannabinoids – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.).
The most researched endocannabinoid is called anandamide, which reacts to cannabinoid receptors in your central nervous system.
Stress induces cannabinoids, which causes the ‘high’ feeling – not totally dissimilar to the effects of cannabis. In turn, the process modulates the pain neurons in your spine and increases your tolerance threshold.
Contrary to previous beliefs, recent research suggests that Endocannabinoids play a more important role in the runner’s high sensation than endorphins.
In one experiment, before running on a treadmill, some participants took a drug that blocks the effects of endorphins, and some didn’t. The results showed that participants who took the endorphin-blocking drug reported just as strong runner’s high effects as those who didn’t.4Siebers, M., Biedermann, S. V., Bindila, L., Lutz, B., & Fuss, J. (2021). Exercise-induced euphoria and anxiolysis do not depend on endogenous opioids in humans. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 126, 105173.
Why Does Runner’s High Exist?
The prevailing theory is that our bodies developed these abilities to allow us to push through pain and discomfort when necessary.
Our ancestors would have spent long days hunting; at times in extreme conditions like heat, cold, and humidity.
They would have gone for prolonged periods without food, getting fatigued and occasionally picking up injuries.
The runner’s high may have developed to improve our performance during these long periods of aerobic exercise and hunting.
It’s Mother Nature’s way of taking care of us when we’re under physical stress.
The opioid effect would have made us feel better, helping to tune out of pain and discomfort so we could focus on survival.
What Are the Benefits of the Runner’s High?
Beyond just feeling good while it’s happening, the runner’s high can benefit your long-term health.
- It decreases the symptoms of anxiety – The runner’s high can temporarily banish that sense of anxiety you may have, aiding a runner’s mental health. As you run more regularly and experience the runner’s high repeatedly, the effects can diminish the symptoms of anxiety.5Sharma, A., Madaan, V., & Petty, F. D. (2006). Exercise for mental health. Primary Care Companion to the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 8(2), 106.
Of course, there is no one-size-fits all cure for anxiety, but consistently experiencing a runner’s high is one of the best natural resources for helping.
- Increased memory and focus – Running increases connection and communication in your brain’s neurons, which plays a big part in developing and consolidating memory traces inside your brain.6Haynes IV, J. T., Frith, E., Sng, E., & Loprinzi, P. D. (2018). Experimental Effects of Acute Exercise on Episodic Memory Function: Considerations for the Timing of Exercise. Psychological Reports, 003329411878668.
- More consistent exercise – When you get the runner’s high, you’ll want to keep getting the runner’s high. Most beginner runners have a hard time staying consistent long enough to reach that point, which often ends in giving up.
Are There Negative Effects of the Runner’s High?
Many debates exist over the health benefits and risks of plant-based highs like cannabis.
The only natural question to follow is, is the runner’s high bad for you?
In short, no.
The runner’s high has no known direct negative consequences for your brain or your body.
It’s a free lunch – one of the great benefits of running (and biking, and other cardiovascular exercises). But, if you want to lean on the careful side, keep in mind that too much running can have a few downsides.
- Heightened response to insulin – those who are susceptible to Diabetes could be negatively impacted (hypoglycemia) by too much running.
- Wear and tear on your joints – the knees are one of the most at-risk body parts during running. That’s why it’s essential to practice good running form and consult a doctor or physical therapist if you’re prone to knee injuries.
How To Achieve Runner’s High
Ok, let’s get to the meat and potatoes of this thing: how to maximize endocannabinoid and endorphin levels when running.
Let’s walk through some of the optimal conditions to stimulate a runner’s high.
#1: Run For Over 45 Minutes (At Least)
The runner’s high typically kicks in after around 30 – 40 minutes of effortful running.
This varies depending on the individual and their running history: typically, experienced runners have to push longer and run farther before the high kicks in.
This reflects the fact that your body needs to be placed under continuous stress and discomfort, with an elevated heart rate, before those feel-good chemicals get released.
This makes distance running easier, and the exhilaration experienced in a long, winding run can border on the transcendent.
The bad news is that rookie runners with a lower fitness level will struggle to keep going long enough to attain the levels of endocannabinoids necessary for the runner’s high.
Looking to increase your running ability? Grab a free training plan from us.
#2: Push Your Body (But Not Too Hard)
As endorphins and endocannabinoids are released in response to stress and discomfort, you must push yourself hard enough to feel the strain.
An easy, slow jog isn’t going to induce that blissful state, I’m afraid.
However, you shouldn’t push yourself too hard.
Aim for physical activity of moderate intensity – one that is at a 4 or more out of 10 for Rate of Perceived Exertion. Long-distance running is perfect for this.
If you exercise at a too high-intensity, you’ll reach exhaustion quickly and the high discomfort levels will overshadow the gentle rush of the endocannabinoids.
#3: Run Consistently
In order to attain the elevated effects of the high, you’ve got to be physically capable of running for an extended period under some strain.
This often means that beginners often simply can’t reach the Runner’s High as they can’t keep running long enough.
Develop a good running habit and avoid injury to become a Runner’s High Practitioner.
#4: Mix Up Your Training
Distance runners run the risk of getting into a comfortable groove, where they don’t push themselves hard enough to induce the high.
If this sounds like you, add in some fast intervals, fartleks, or hill runs to up the intensity of your workouts, add some physical stress, and reach that elevated state of mind!
#4: Run With Other People
Research shows that rowers who row together experience higher levels of endorphin surges than the ones who row alone. Since the high applies to all types of strenuous exercise, this principle applies to runners too.7Cohen, E. E. A., Ejsmond-Frey, R., Knight, N., & Dunbar, R. I. M. (2009). Rowers’ high: behavioural synchrony is correlated with elevated pain thresholds. Biology Letters, 6(1), 106–108.
Sergio Pedemonte, a certified personal trainer, running coach, and owner of Your House Fitness gives a practical example of how this works in a competitive sport like MMA.
“A great way to achieve the runner’s high is to do cardio that is engaging and does not let you slow down. Cardio like practicing MMA is a fun way to achieve the runner’s high. Due to the nature of the sport, slowing down and relaxing will allow your opponent or training partner to gain better positions or land more strikes.”
#5: Listen to Music
A study from McGill University in Canada has shown that listening to music while you run may contribute to the runner’s high.8Salimpoor, V. N., Benovoy, M., Larcher, K., Dagher, A., & Zatorre, R. J. (2011). Anatomically distinct dopamine release during anticipation and experience of peak emotion to music. Nature Neuroscience, 14(2), 257–262.
Their PET scans of the participants showed an extra release of dopamine (another chemical that emits happy feelings) during the peak of emotional arousal during the music.
That means the participants would anticipate a part of the song they loved and then enjoy the part while it played – both experiences releasing a surge of dopamine.
#6: Rest and Sleep
Your body is best primed for endorphin and endocannabinoid production when it’s rested and ready.
A good eight hours of sleep is necessary to maximize your potential endocannabinoid production, and that potential slowly decreases as each day wears on.
Training on tired legs (and a tired mind) makes it harder to attain and maintain the runner’s high.
Thank you Thomas, really interesting article! I am just a beginner training for my first marathon, and I have a stupid question. The runner’s high is a state where the body react to long term discomfort, but long distance experienced runners push their limits and therefor get more and more used to discomfort, does it mean the more you train, the less are your chances to achieve runner’s high?
Hey Jeremy,
Thanks for the question!
Correct that the more you train, the more your body is accustomed to running long distances.
In order to attain the runner’s high, you need stress and discomfort.
This means that experienced runners have to push themselves, just like intermediate runners.
In other words experienced runners experience the high just like all others – they just have to push to a state of discomfort and stress.
I always have this sensation that after some kilometers (I’m Brazilian) my body stops to react to the running – just like the tarahumaras preach – and I enjoy it more and more. This sensations is getting more difficult to achieve and it’s make sense based on your article. Thanks for sharing it Thomas.
I ran my first marathon this year and having “Should I stay or should I go” come on when i was struggling late in the race gave me a runner’s high that pushed me longer than before. I played it on repeat 3x to keep the momentum before settling back into a more normal pace. The runner’s high is real!
Great article! Having experienced the runner’s high throughout my 33 yrs of running is sometimes all I need to think about to get myself out the door and go run😉! And there is nothing like the endorphin rush after a good race!!