
Threshold Training Guide For Runners To Hit That PR

Threshold training is one of the key running workouts to improve endurance performance. It is a type of training that consists of running long intervals at a “comfortable/uncomfortable pace,” between 85-90% of your maximum heart rate. As a running coach and runner myself, I swear by this type of tough training session to improve speed, … Read more

Static Stretching Vs Dynamic Stretching Explained

If there’s one aspect of training that most runners will admit that they tend to “cut corners” or skimp on, it’s stretching. We are often eager to get out the door for our run, so we may skip any type of pre-workout stretching routine. Once we have finished the run, we’re lucky to hop on … Read more

How To Increase Lactate Threshold: 2 Proven Training Methods

Lactate threshold is an important but often poorly understood concept for runners and endurance athletes. Many runners know that increasing their lactate threshold is a good thing but aren’t sure how to improve lactate threshold from a practical perspective. What Is Lactate? Before we discuss what the lactate threshold is, it’s helpful to understand what … Read more

Heat and Heart Rate Zones: How Weather Can Affect Your Training HR

Heart rate training is a popular approach to endurance training, both for runners and for other endurance athletes like cyclists. Heart rate training involves monitoring your heart rate during exercise and aiming to keep it within specific predetermined “heart rate zones,“ depending on your age, fitness level, and workout goals. However, multiple factors can affect … Read more

Aerobic Decoupling, Explained: What It Is And How To Use It In Training

Even experienced distance runners, cyclists, and other endurance athletes may not know what aerobic decoupling is or why aerobic decoupling matters as an endurance athlete. After all, unless you regularly study exercise physiology or have a background in endurance training, there’s a good chance that aerobic decoupling is not a metric or concept you have … Read more

The Mind Muscle Connection: Does It Actually Exist, And What Does It Do?

If you have ever worked out with a personal trainer or taken an exercise class before, the instructor or trainer may have told you to engage a certain muscle group when performing an exercise. For example, when performing a back squat, your trainer may have said, “Engage your core or abs to support your spine.” … Read more

11 Pro Tips On How To Increase HRV (Heart Rate Variability)

Because keeping tabs on measurable variables can provide insight into your training status and fitness, athletes often pay close attention to biometrics such as blood pressure, body fat percentage, and resting heart rate. Another key heart-related biometric is your heart rate variability or HRV. HRV is a measure of the differences or fluctuations in the … Read more

Slow Twitch Vs Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers: A Complete Explanation

Understanding muscle anatomy and how the neuromuscular system works can be confusing, but many of the basic principles of muscle anatomy and physiology can be useful in helping guide your workouts to achieve your specific fitness goals better. One of the most important concepts to understand in anatomy and exercise physiology is the differences between … Read more

Overactive and Underactive Muscles + How To Correct Them

Tangentially related to the concept of stronger vs weaker muscles is the idea of overactive vs underactive muscles. What are overactive muscles? What are underactive muscles? What are the most common overactive and underactive muscles, and how do you determine if you have an overactive vs underactive muscle? In this article, we will discuss what … Read more

Does Athletic Greens Work? The Evidence -Or Lack Thereof – For Greens Powders

It often seems like every other podcast, Instagram ad in your feed, and banner ad on the side of a webpage has a spot for some sort of greens powder. From Athletic Greens to Bloom, we seem to be flooded with calls to action to buy a do-it-all elixir in the form of some magical … Read more

Cardiorespiratory Endurance Explained + 20 Ways To Improve Yours

If you are an endurance athlete, such as a marathon runner, a long-distance cyclist, or a long-course triathlon, you are likely aware that there are many different approaches to training to improve your cardiovascular endurance for your sport. But, what is cardiorespiratory endurance, and why is it so important? What about the best cardiorespiratory endurance … Read more

Muscle Memory Explained: What It Is + How It Works

Once you start working out, you will likely be introduced to a number of fitness concepts, or you will overhear people talking at your gym about training principles. For example, you might hear about progressive overload or physiological adaptations. Another term that you may encounter in the context of working out is muscle memory. But, … Read more