I’ve written a lot about running marathons – whether it’s how to beat the 4-hour mark, train for one in under three months, or why you shouldn’t run one in the first place.
In this guide, I’ve compiled my best advice into seven key points to get you to your big race prepared and ready to go, whether it’s Boston or your very first marathon.
Without further ado:

#1: Follow a Training Program
Follow a well-thought-out marathon training schedule, ideally designed by a certified running coach, that increases your weekly mileage in manageable increments. This will reduce your risk of injury and allow you to gradually build up your volume.
It should include easy runs, speed work complete with warm-ups and cool-downs, (if you are not a complete beginner), tempo runs, long runs, strength training workouts (body weight or gym), rest days, and cross-training.
Ideally, your training should peak with your longest run being between 19 and 21 miles, three weeks from race day.
Be sure to respect your rest days, even if they include active rest activities such as foam rolling, stretching, or cross-training such as biking or swimming.
If not working with a coach, be sure to choose a training plan suitable for your level and training timeframe. The training runs in a first-time marathon runner’s training plan will be quite distinct from that of an experienced marathon runner.
We have a large database of marathon training plans for all levels here at Marathon Handbook.

#2: Get the Right Gear
Your old gym shoes might be fine for the occasional run, but you’re running a marathon.
Get a suitable pair of running shoes that are comfortable after hours of running. Not sure how to choose good running shoes? Here’s our guide.
The same goes for the rest of your gear—you should invest in decent stuff as you’ll spend a lot of time in it.
Depending on the climate in which you train and race, you’ll need specific gear to ensure comfort.
- Running socks to avoid blisters and hot spots
- Running shorts or tights, tees, tanks or long sleeves and layers, and a jacket all of which fit well so as to not cause chafing
- Gloves, ear warmers, and a buff if you’ll be running in the cold
- A visor or hat
- Sunglasses
- A GPS running watch for precise training and racing

#3: Know your Race
When you choose your first marathon race, choose one that gives you plenty of time to train—ideally more than four months.
Also, find out what the course is like:
- Are there hills? If so, you’ll have to include hill running in your training.
- What will the weather be like? If the start will be super cold, you’ll need to bring layers to take off just before the start.
- Will you run at altitude? If you live at sea level, you’ll feel a big difference running up at altitude.
- What do the aid stations provide, and how often do you pass one during the race? Will you be able to rely on the hydration and nutrition of the organization, or will you need to bring your own? Will they have water and electrolyte sports drinks? Will you carry a water bottle?
- What are the race day logistics? Do you need to take a bus to the start line?
All of these details will have an effect on your day and how you need to prepare for it. Follow your race on social media to be aware of all important information and updates.

#4: Know your Pace
Most first-timers just turn to a marathon and run however fast they feel. This is a mistake. It’s been shown that at the start of marathons, people run much faster than they think they are running.
Nerves and anxiety get released as energy, and it can be easy to be swept along in a big crowd of runners and the enthusiasm and excitement of the big day.
Runners who run a consistent pace throughout the entire marathon have a much better race than those who go out too fast and hit the wall later.
Make sure you stick to the pace that you have been working during your training.
#5: Taper
Tapering gives your body a chance to get a little break and recover in the weeks leading up to the marathon, so on the big day, you are stronger than ever.
For novice runners, you should taper for three to four weeks prior to your marathon by scaling back your training mileage every week. Don’t worry, you won’t lose any fitness!
Maintain intensity, and scale back on your volume little by little.

#6: Eat Right
In the days leading up to the marathon, carb loading can be useful. This gives you a few extra calories and carbohydrates in the tank prior to starting. Now, I don’t mean binge on a ton of sweets and sugary treats.
Increase your carbohydrate intake slightly three days before your race to top off glycogen stores.
During the race, you need something that your system can digest easily and that gives you energy quickly. Energy gels are very popular – but not everyone can stomach more than a couple of these sickly-sweet packets before they start to feel their stomach jumping around.
Do yourself a favor and train with the energy bars or gels you intend to eat during your marathon to make sure your body can handle them.
Remember, each long run is like a shorter dress rehearsal of your race. There, you want to practice everything from your running gear to your hydration and nutrition strategies.

#7: Prep Mentally
Visualize and plan everything for marathon day.
Know exactly what you will eat when you wake up, how you will get to the start line, what you’ll take with you, and what you’ll do when you finish.
Remember that a marathon is a long distance to run. I sometimes find it helpful to mentally break it into 4 x 10km runs (and a little bit at the end).
Keep a positive outlook on race days, and most importantly, have fun! You’ve trained so hard, the work is done, now it’s time to enjoy those 26.2 miles!
In addition to marathons, we have training plans for all race distances to help get you to that finish line:
5K Training Plans
10K Training Plans
Half Marathon Training Plans
Marathon Training Plans
Ultramarathon Training Plans