Stretching, on the whole, is great.
There are many benefits to a good morning yoga flow or a post-run stretch to ease sore and tired muscles.
Furthermore, it doesn’t just feel good, but according to research, stretching properly can benefit runners by improving balance and the range of motion in their joints– both essential pillars of good running.1Bird, M.-L., Hill, K., Ball, M., & Williams, A. D. (2009). Effects of Resistance- and Flexibility-Exercise Interventions on Balance and Related Measures in Older Adults. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 17(4), 444–454.
But did you know that certain harmful stretching exercises can actually hinder your running game, rather than help improve it?

1. Static Stretches Before A Run
You probably did a lot of these at school gym classes.
For example: sit down and reach as far as you can to touch your toes. Or, stand on one leg and pull the heel of the other all the way to your glute, pulling your quad tight and as far as it can go.
However, it turns out static stretches should be reserved for after your runs once your muscles have limbered up.
In fact, according to a study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology, performing static stretches before you head out for a run actually decreases your running economy by a long shot.2Behm, D. G., & Chaouachi, A. (2011). A Review of the Acute Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Performance. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 111(11), 2633–2651.
This means it requires more physical effort to run after performing static stretches compared to having done no stretching at all.
The research suggests that when not stretched statically, your hip flexors, quadriceps, and other upper-leg muscles remain taut, meaning that they can ‘snap back’ easily after each running stride.
After performing static stretches, those leg and hip muscle groups lack the same springiness, therefore you’ll end up putting in more effort and feeling tired much earlier on in your run.

Healthy Alternatives To Pre-Run Static Stretching:
Instead of starting out with static stretches before your run, try a dynamic stretching routine in its place.
Dynamic warm-up stretches involve movement and don’t require you to hold positions for long periods of time. You’ll be moving around a lot, which will get your heart rate up and your cold muscles warmed up.
Examples include leg swings, lunges, squats, calf raises, running drills, and more.
Check out this article for a full lowdown on the ideal pre-run dynamic stretching routine
2. Static Stretching To Prevent Muscle Running Injuries
You may have been taught that in order to prevent running injuries you need to be doing lots of static stretching.
However, static stretching alone does not prevent muscle injuries.
According to a study published in the Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, performing static stretches before a run does nothing to lower the risk of muscle pulls or similar running injuries.3Shrier, I. (1999). Stretching Before Exercise Does Not Reduce the Risk of Local Muscle Injury: A Critical Review of the Clinical and Basic Science Literature. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 9(4), 221.
This theory is backed by another study published in the National Library of Medicine that indicates that although static stretches are good for increasing the range of motion in your joints, there is nothing to suggest that they safeguard your muscles from injury.4Witvrouw, E., Mahieu, N., Danneels, L., & McNair, P. (2004). Stretching and injury prevention: An obscure relationship. Sports Medicine (Auckland, N.Z.), 34(7), 443–449.
Related: Here Are The 6 Worst Things You Can Do Before A Run

Safe Alternatives To Static Stretching For Injury Prevention
Many factors play a role in injury prevention.
One of the most effective ways to keep running injuries at bay is to have correct running form.
Having poor running form is often the root cause behind many common running injuries, so it is very important to get it right.
If you’re unsure of how to go about this, check out our guide to proper running form: Proper Running Form – 8 Tips To Make It Effortless
3. Stretching Before Weight Training
As far as harmful stretching techniques go, stretching before a weight training session is a big no-no.
When you perform static stretches, your muscle tendons elongate as they stretch which can result in imbalances.
Because of this, if you static stretch before a weight training session, you are putting your muscles at risk of injury.

Static stretching may also have a negative effect on the stability of your joints, meaning that you are leaving them open to injury once you make them bear weight.
This is all supported by the findings of a study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention demonstrating minimal benefits of static stretching before strength training and potentially even increased risk of injury.5Chaabene, H., Behm, D. G., Negra, Y., & Granacher, U. (2019). Acute Effects of Static Stretching on Muscle Strength and Power: An Attempt to Clarify Previous Caveats. Frontiers in Physiology, 10(1468).
Safe Alternatives To Static Stretching Before Weight Training
It is important to warm-up before weight training, but static stretching isn’t the way.
Instead, begin your strength session with some light cardio. This could involve hopping on the rowing machine, the elliptical, the stationary bike, or the treadmill.
The emphasis here is on light. You want your body to warm up gradually.
After some light cardio, warm up the part of your body that you are focusing on with some bodyweight training targeting that area.
So, if it’s leg day at the gym, perform some weight-free lunges and squats before you start loading on the weight.

4. ‘Ballistic’ Stretching
What is ballistic stretching?
You may be familiar with this type of stretching if you ever did gymnastics when you were younger.
Ballistic stretching is a very intense stretching method where you get into a classic stretching position (e.g. a forward fold) and bounce deeper into the stretch so that you stretch your muscles and joints beyond their natural range of motion.
Unfortunately, because it stretches beyond the natural range of motion, it is one of the most harmful stretching exercises.
This study published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy found that this type of ballistic stretching actually increases your risk of injury.6Page, P. (2012). Current concepts in muscle stretching for exercise a nd rehabilitation. International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 7(1), 109–119.
Because of these risks, sporting bodies such as the American College of Sports Medicine actually don’t recommend performing these types of stretches.7ACSM. (2019). ACSM | The American College of Sports Medicine.
Safe Alternatives To Ballistic Stretching
Runners don’t need to be super flexible to perform at their best.
Instead, runners need strength and stability throughout their joint’s entire range of motion.
Combining mobility, stability work, and strength training is one of the most effective ways to achieve this control.
The internet is a great resource. There are some amazing follow-along strength and mobility workouts on YouTube that can be very effective for runners.
Check out this video on strength training with an emphasis on stability and getting a full range of motion through the exercises:
5. Stretching To Prevent Muscle Soreness
It may seem counterintuitive, but stretching does nothing to prevent muscle soreness.
In fact, you could be wasting your time with a pre or post-run stretch if your aim is to reduce muscle soreness or Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).
According to a study published in the BMJ, stretching before or after exercise had no statistically significant effect on reducing muscle soreness.8Herbert, R. D. (2002). Effects of stretching before and after exercising on muscle soreness and risk of injury: systematic review. BMJ, 325(7362), 468–468.
Safe Alternatives To Stretching For Soreness Prevention
There are ways to reduce muscle soreness that aren’t stretching.
Here are a few of them:
1. Warm Up Properly For Your Run
Dynamic stretching and beginning your run with a slow jog are effective methods of warming your muscles.
It’s a good idea to have a well-thought-out standard warm-up routine that you can keep coming back to. Keeping it easy is key to doing it every time.

2. Practice Foam Rolling
Foam rolling, a type of myofascial release, is a very effective way of decreasing your risk of DOMS.
Foam rolling helps you to work on those tight muscle spots, and is a well-evidenced way of keeping your muscles as fresh as possible.
3. Practice Active Recovery
Active recovery is a great way of providing blood flow to your worn-out muscles, helping them to recover quickly.
You should perform active recovery within 24 hours of a hard session to reap the benefits of doing it.
Examples of active recovery include a light, slow, jog, an easy yoga session, or an easy swim.
4. Sleep Well
While you are asleep your body is hard at work repairing and rebuilding your muscles. Therefore, getting enough sleep is essential to recovery.
Don’t skimp on sleep after a hard training run if you want to minimize muscle soreness.

The Best Pre-Run Routine
It can be hard to pick up new habits and even harder to shift old ones.
Luckily, we have developed a complete guide to pre-run preparation to help you:
How To Warm Up For Runners: Warm Up Exercises Before Running
The Best Post-Run Routine
We’ve also developed a straightforward guide to the post-run cool-down routine:
The Best Post-Run Routine: Do These 9 Things After Every Run