
How To Train For A Half Marathon: Everything You Need To Know

Expert tips and strategies for a successful half marathon, plus, our very own training plans

So, you’ve decided to tackle a half marathon.

Congratulations on taking this first big step to prepare for those 13.1 miles! Going into your training as a first-timer well-prepared and guided by our expert coaches, is a recipe for success.  

Yes, training for a half marathon is a significant undertaking, and it won’t be a walk in the park, but here’s the exciting part: It’s a fun, fulfilling journey that I promise you will enjoy. 

Every run and milestone you achieve is a testament to your dedication and a reason to enjoy not only crossing the finish line but the entire process.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced runner seeking a new challenge, rest assured we’ve got your back. From your very first step to the finish line, we’re here to provide the support and guidance you need to succeed in your half-marathon journey.

From selecting the ideal training plan that suits your lifestyle from our free half-marathon plan database to mastering your nutrition and hydration strategy for race day, we’ll give you the information and all of the additional resources you’ll need every step of the way.

Ready to transform yourself into a running rockstar? Let’s dive into everything you need to know about how to train for a half marathon. 

A person tying their running shoe.

What Is The Best Half Marathon Training Program?

Choosing a half marathon training plan that aligns with your abilities, goals, and time frame is key to race day success.

Our team of running coaches has developed a library of tried-and-tested free half-marathon training schedules (over 100,000 runners have been helped and counting). 

They’re free to download and come in Google Sheets and Excel formats, so you can edit them to suit your schedule.

Here are our most popular half-marathon training plans:

(Browse all our half-marathon training plans here).

A workout plan.

How Long Does It Take To Train For a Half Marathon?

The length of your half-marathon plan will depend on a few factors, including your current fitness level, running experience, and running goal. 

Generally, we suggest having about six months of running under your belt to attempt a half-marathon distance training plan.

For beginners, a 16-20 week plan is generally enough time to prepare. However, if you have already been running quite a bit, 12-16 weeks may be appropriate for you. Of course, the more time you have to prepare, the faster and fitter you will be come race day.

Intermediate and advanced runners can train for a half-marathon in less time, between 8-12 weeks. However, if you have a specific time goal, such as sub-2 hours, and want to achieve a PR, a full cycle of 16 weeks of training is still ideal. 

The difference between beginner, intermediate, and advanced runners looking to run a half marathon is often goal-based. 

Beginner runners often work toward just completing the distance in their first half marathon, either with a walk/run method to start or working toward completing the entire distance running.

More experienced runners tend to work toward breaking specific finishing time barriers, such as a sub-2 hour or sub-1:30 half-marathon.

Check out our complete guide here for a full breakdown of how long it takes to train for a half marathon based on your fitness level and goal.

A calendar.

How Much Time Do I Need To Dedicate To Half-Marathon Training?

Training plans will vary with how many days per week you need to dedicate to training depending on your goal and fitness level, but the general time commitment for half-marathon training will be between four and six days of running and cross-training per week. 

As a running coach, I strongly suggest including two strength training sessions in your weekly training plan. We’ll get into this more later.

No matter your training load and weekly mileage, you must schedule at least one complete day of rest to allow your body to recuperate, adapt, and recover for the following session.

You must also focus on getting good sleep, eating right, and staying well-hydrated throughout the day.

What Are The Key Components Of A Successful Half Marathon Training Schedule?

Training Methods

Most of our training plans include a mix of rate of perceived exercise training and pace training.

Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) is a method of training based on perception or how you feel. The scale ranges from 1 to 10, with 1 being extremely comfortable and 10 being an all-out sprint.

Here is our complete guide to RPE.

On the other hand, pace training involves maintaining a specific pace, measured in minutes per kilometer or mile, for specific intervals during your run. It’s like setting a rhythm for your body to follow, ensuring you stay on track towards your time goal.

Your workouts will vary depending on which training plan you choose according to your experience level, fitness level, and goal, but here are some of the main sessions you will find in our expert coach training plans: 

A group of people running.

Walk/Run Sessions

Walk/run sessions—also called Jeffing—are a technique for rookie runners that allows you to go longer by alternating running with walking breaks. This means you tire slower and reduce some of the effects of continuous running on your body. 

Our Couch to Half Marathon Training Program includes walk/run workouts in the first few weeks. We gradually change the ratio of walking to running until the walking is all but phased out, but if you wish, you can continue to follow the walk/run strategy throughout.

For a complete guide on the walk/run method, click here.

Training Runs or Distance Runs

Training runs, also known as base-building or distance runs, are a crucial part of your training. These runs, performed at a comfortable, conversational pace, help you gradually increase your volume and improve your aerobic base. 

The rate of perceived exertion should be between a 3-4 on a scale of 1-10.

For our complete guide on base training, click here.

Long Runs 

Long runs gradually increase your volume, vital in preparing you for race day. Most long runs will be run at an RPE of 3-4 unless otherwise indicated in your plan.

They must be used as dress rehearsals for your race, where you can practice race fueling and hydration strategies.

For our complete guide on half marathon long runs, click here.

A person running on grass.

Easy Runs or Recovery Runs

Recovery runs are slightly easier than distance runs, with a rate of perceived exertion of 2-3. The objective of these runs is to recover from a harder session and add easy volume to your week.

Be sure you truly run your easy runs at an easy pace—they are crucial to your improvement. For more information on why running slower makes you faster, click here.

Race Pace Run 

Race-pace runs are just that: runs where you practice your estimated race pace for either specific intervals or the duration of the workout. You warm up and cool down before and after each of these workouts.

Click here to calculate your race pace.


Intervals are a type of speed work, and the intensity of the work will vary on the type of interval workout you have been assigned, and the length of the intervals. 

Intervals can be run at a specific intensity level or pace, depending on your training goal. Each training plan clearly indicates which to use.

Some examples of intervals are 4 x 800 meters hard (RPE 8) with an 800-meter recovery jog in between each one. Warm-up and cool down before and after each of these workouts.

For a complete guide on interval training, click here.

Tempo Runs

Tempo Runs are long blocks of threshold training.

You will run for the indicated km, miles, or time at a sustainable, hard effort (RPE of 6-7). This is a hard pace, but one you could hold for 60 minutes.

These runs improve your ability to run faster and harder for longer. Warm-up and cool down before and after each of these workouts.

For a complete guide on tempo runs, click here.

Two people running.

Hill Repeats 

Hill repeats are a type of interval workout.

Run uphill, hard, between a 9-10 RPE, for the time indicated in each specific workout. Then, you will jog back down to your starting point and repeat for the indicated number of repetitions. Warm-up and cool down before and after each of these workouts.

For a complete guide on hill repeats, click here.


Strides are short accelerations in which you begin easy, increase your effort level to almost top speed, RPE 8-9, and then gradually return to your initial pace.

Each workout will indicate the number of strides and their duration. The rest of the run should be run at an easy, conversation pace.

For a complete guide on strides, click here.

Shake Out Run

A shake-out run is a very easy jog. It is usually run the day before a race to “shake out” your legs. It should be a 1-2 on the RPE scale.

For a complete guide on shake-out runs, click here.


Warm up before any workout involving pace or effort level changes, such as intervals, race-pace runs, tempo runs, threshold runs, hill work, track work, etc.

You never want to jump into speedwork without properly preparing your muscles and body by gradually warming up. A warm-up should be easy; run at a 1-3 on the RPE scale.

For a complete guide on how to warm up for runners, click here.

Cool down

Cool down after any workout involving pace or effort level changes, such as intervals, tempo runs, threshold runs, hill work, track work, etc.

A cool-down should be very easy, run at a 1-2 on the RPE scale, and help bring your body back to baseline regarding breathing and heart rate.

For a complete guide on how to cool down for runners, click here.

Cross Training

Some training plans include cross-training days, especially if you are a beginner runner adapting to running or an injury-prone runner who needs to substitute some running days with low-impact or no-impact cross-training workouts.

What kind of cross-training exercises are beneficial for half marathon preparation? 

Cross-training workouts are any type of cardio that has little or no impact. Some examples that can benefit your half marathon process include swimming, biking, elliptical, ski erg, and rowing.

For a complete guide on cross-training, click here.

How To Train For A Half Marathon: Everything You Need To Know 1

Strength Training

Strength training is not just a beneficial addition or compliment to your running training plan; it’s a neccesity. It plays a crucial role in correcting muscle imbalances, making you a fitter, stronger, and faster runner, and, most importantly, it helps you stay injury-free. 

Aim for two sessions of strength training per week and incorporate compound exercises such as squats, lunges, glute bridges, calf raises, planks, push-ups, rows, and pull-ups.

For a complete guide on strength training, click here.


Rest days are not just a suggestion but imperative to your performance.

These days are for you to rest, hydrate, refuel, and relax without strenuous activity or exercise. Your body needs this time to adapt and recuperate from your workouts and prevent injuries. So, please respect and prioritize these recovery days for better running performance.

For a complete guide on the importance of rest for runners, click here.

What Are The Essential Nutrition Tips For Half-Marathon Training?

What Should I Eat Before A Run?

What you eat before running will depend on the type, length, and intensity of your workout or race.

The longer distances and more intense runs will require more energy and, therefore, more fuel. But whatever type of run or workout you have planned for the day, it is essential that you eat something before starting.

It is ideal to consume a small snack about one hour before heading out the door for a training session during the week. Some people can get away with 30 minutes, but personally, I need a bit more time to process food.

Before a long run or your half marathon race day, eat a light breakfast at least 2-3 hours before running so you don’t feel full and uncomfortable. 

All pre-run snacks and meals should be high in simple carbohydrates as your body can break down and use this source of energy efficiently. 

Some examples of simple carbohydrates are white rice, pasta, bread, bagels, pancakes, waffles, couscous, table sugar, juice, honey, maple syrup, jelly, fruit, and dairy (for those who can tolerate lactose well). 

For a complete guide on what to eat before a run, click here.

A bowl of oatmeal and bananas.

What Should I Eat During My Long Runs?

Focus on simple carbohydrates for race training fueling. Running gels, energy chews, sports drinks, and sports beans work well.

When it comes to eating, the rule of thumb is to stay ahead of your body’s carbohydrate needs, which means starting fueling at the race’s 30-45 minute mark.

As a general rule, consume your weight in kilos in grams of carbohydrates per hour of your long run or race for optimal energy.

The most important thing you can do in terms of your half marathon fueling plan is practice, practice, and practice during your long runs to see what works best for you.

For a complete guide on fueling during a half marathon, click here.

What Should I Eat After My Runs?

Post-run and post-race fueling plays a big part in your recovery.

It is ideal to drink a recovery shake of protein and carbohydrates within 20 minutes to half an hour of finishing your run. 

Research suggests1C, K., T, H., J, S., B, C., C, W., R, K., D, K., T, Z., H, L., J, L., Jl, I., & J, A. (2008, October 3). International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Nutrient Timing. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18834505/ that after a run, the body needs between 0.5 and 0.7 grams of carbohydrates and between 0.14 and 0.23 grams of protein per pound of body weight.

Of course, if you can eat a protein-packed breakfast or meal after your run instead of a shake, that would be even better. The shake is a quick fix in case you can’t stomach eating right after, or it makes the logistics easier.

Also, rehydrate with electrolytes, especially if you have sweat during your run. 

For a complete guide on post-run fueling, click here.

The way to go when trying to figure out your best fueling is trial and error.

A person drinking from a bottle of water.

How Should I Hydrate When Training and Racing A Half Marathon?

Proper hydration is crucial in our daily lives and sports performance. Dehydration can lead to dizziness, fatigue, and poor running performance.

Our hydration needs will vary, but as a general rule, you should consume at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.

Staying well-hydrated consistently should keep you prepared before your runs. However, increase your electrolyte intake before a race to ensure you get to the start line fully hydrated.

Slowly consume 5-7 ml (0.17-0.23 oz) of fluid per 1 kg (2.2 lb) body weight for pre-hydration.

As for during your training runs, if your run is an hour or shorter, you should be okay not bringing water along but just replenishing afterward unless you are running in the heat.

In general, for runs over an hour, it’s recommended that athletes aim to drink 0.4-0.8 liters per hour (L/h) or 8-16 ounces per hour (oz/h). To get even more precise, you can calculate your sweat rate by performing a sweat test, and trying to replenish as close to the 100% mark as possible.

Sip your fluids during your runs instead of chugging them down. You want a constant flow of hydration instead of consuming it in large quantities all at once.

Once you start sweating more during your runs due to higher temperatures and more intense and longer workouts, you’ll want to switch from plain water to a sports drink that includes electrolytes to replace minerals lost during heavy sweating.

After your runs, ensure you replenish fluid loss by hydrating with electrolytes.

For our complete guide on hydration for runners, click here

A person runing.

What Equipment Do I Need To Train For A Half Marathon?

The most important piece of equipment you’ll need for your half marathon training is a pair of comfortable running shoes, maybe two if you would like to alternate shoes every other day in a shoe rotation. 

We have the perfect shoe-fitting guide here.

Other important gear for training for a half marathon includes moisture-wicking running clothing, a good GPS sports watch, and possibly a hydration belt or vest for longer runs.

Training Tips For A Successful Half-Marathon Race Day

#1: Take Your Taper Seriously 

Even though you’ll feel like every last run counts, you don’t want to overdo it before your big day. 

Follow the training plan taper, which is most often two to three weeks before race day, and don’t do anything extra. You’ve already put in all the work and are ready to go! So rest up and get ready to become a half marathon runner.

#2: Consult Our Race Day Checklist 

We have a complete half-marathon race day checklist, so you are sure you don’t forget a thing! 

Check it out here.

#3: Don’t Start Out Too Fast

Good pacing is vital in completing your race successfully. It’s so easy to get swept away with the crowd among all of the excitement and bustling atmosphere. 

Stick to your plan; stick to your pace. 

#4: Familiarize Yourself With Your Race

Research all of the details about your race before arriving. You’ll want to know the course details, climate, and logistics.

You’ll want to know important details such as where packet pick-up is, how you will get to and from the start/finish, and how often the aid stations will pop up along the route. 

For some guides on choosing a race, check out:

#5: Don’t Try Anything New On Race Day

This is the golden rule in running. Never, ever try anything new on race day. Not a new shirt, new fuel, hydration, and especially, no new running shoes.

There you have it, our complete half-marathon training guide. Now, get laced up and ready to go, and have a great half-marathon journey.

Don’t forget to check out our half-marathon training plan database to pick our yours, today!


  • 1
    C, K., T, H., J, S., B, C., C, W., R, K., D, K., T, Z., H, L., J, L., Jl, I., & J, A. (2008, October 3). International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: Nutrient Timing. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18834505/
Photo of author
Katelyn is an experienced ultra-marathoner and outdoor enthusiast with a passion for the trails. In the running community, she is known for her ear-to-ear smile, even under the toughest racing conditions. She is a UESCA-certified running coach and loves sharing her knowledge and experience to help people reach their goals and become the best runners they can be. Her biggest passion is to motivate others to hit the trails or road alongside her, have a blast, and run for fun!

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