
Many Runners Find “Hoka One One Hurt My Feet” Let’s Explore Why

Or, are Hokas the best choice for injury-free running?

If every runner happened upon a fantastical genie who would grant them three running-related wishes, you can bet that probably every single runner would use one of those three wishes never to get injured again.

One of the primary ways in which runners strive to prevent injuries is in their choice of running shoes.

Some runners believe barefoot running or minimalist running shoes are the way to go. Other runners opt for maximal shoes with thick soles, such as the highly cushioned shoes the popular brand Hoka One One is known for.

But do maximalist running shoes like Hoka shoes actually reduce the risk of injury? Perhaps surprisingly, many runners find “Hoka One One hurt my feet.” Why is that? 

Why do Hoka running shoes cause foot pain or contribute to other running injuries? 

If you’ve been running in Hoka One One running shoes or maximal-cushioning running shoes, yet you are still getting injured, keep reading to learn potential answers to if and why maximalist running shoes are bad for your feet.

A pair of Hoke One One Shoes.

Why Do Runners Like Hoka One One Running Shoes?

Running-related injuries are extremely common. In fact, most surveys and estimates in research literature1DAOUD, A. I., GEISSLER, G. J., WANG, F., SARETSKY, J., DAOUD, Y. A., & LIEBERMAN, D. E. (2012). Foot Strike and Injury Rates in Endurance Runners. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise44(7), 1325–1334. https://doi.org/10.1249/mss.0b013e3182465115 note that about 30-75% of runners experience an injury over the course of a year of training, with evidence demonstrating that injuries are especially high in rearfoot strikers

Running injuries sideline you from getting in your training and can force you to rest or cross-train only for days, weeks, or even months, derailing any plans you have for hitting a big PR in your next race.

For this reason, runners will do whatever they can to prevent getting hurt.

One of the main factors runners consider when trying to prevent injuries is their choice of running shoes.

Indeed, a study2Saragiotto, B. T., Yamato, T. P., & Lopes, A. D. (2014). What Do Recreational Runners Think About Risk Factors for Running Injuries? A Descriptive Study of Their Beliefs and Opinions. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy44(10), 733–738. https://doi.org/10.2519/jospt.2014.5710 that surveyed runners on their beliefs surrounding what causes running injuries found that wearing the wrong shoes was one of the most common responses.

Therefore, most runners strive to get the best pair of shoes to prevent injuries.

Interestingly, scientific studies about the “best” type of running shoes to reduce the risk of injuries are inconclusive.

A person tying their neon running shoes.

Some studies have found that minimalist running shoes like the Nike Free allow for a more natural stride and foot biomechanics, reducing the risk of injury.

Other studies have concluded that the shoes you find to be most comfortable are actually the best running shoes to prevent injuries for you personally.

Maximalist shoes with thick cushioning, such as a pair of Hoka Bondi 8 or Hoka Clifton 9 models, are also sometimes reported to protect your feet and legs from injuries.

The thick cushioning of Hoka running shoes looks like it would absolutely act as a built-in shock absorber, sparing your bones and joints from the impact stresses of running. 

Essentially, a super thick and plush foam sole might act as a buffer between your feet and the ground, a first-pass filter, and an absorber of some of the impact forces when you land on your feet.

This would reduce the amount of shock or stress your feet, ankles, shins, knees, legs, and hips are subjected to.

To this end, many runners find Hokas supremely comfortable with their cloud-like cushioning. 

However, many other runners find that “Hoka One One hurt my feet or legs” or otherwise contribute to getting injured despite the thick cushioning. Let’s examine why this may be the case.

A Hoka One One shoe on top of a shoebox.

Many Runners Are Finding “Hoka One One Hurt My Feet.” Here’s Why

Interestingly, despite the common belief that maximalist running shoes with a thick, cushioned sole will absorb more impact forces of running compared to shoes with a thinner sole or less cushioning, evidence suggests that running in maximal-cushioning trainers actually increases the magnitude of the vertical forces applied to the foot and lower limb during running.

You may be thinking, this may be the reason why Hoka One One hurt my feet.

In a small study,3Pollard, C. D., Ter Har, J. A., Hannigan, J. J., & Norcross, M. F. (2018). Influence of Maximal Running Shoes on Biomechanics Before and After a 5K Run. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine6(6), 232596711877572. https://doi.org/10.1177/2325967118775720 15 female runners ran a 5K on the treadmill on two occasions. In one trial, they ran in maximal shoes (Hoka One One Bondi 4); in the other, they ran in regular running shoes (New Balance 880) with a traditional amount of cushioning.

Researchers collected biomechanical data during the treadmill runs, discovering that runners experienced higher vertical loading rates and higher peak impact forces while wearing Hoka One One running shoes than when they ran in the New Balance shoes.

A person holding their foot in pain.

Vertical loading rates refer to the speed at which the body is subjected to impact forces. In contrast, peak impact forces refer to the maximum instantaneous amount of force the body is subjected to.

Therefore, running in maximalist running shoes places higher stresses on the body and at faster—and thus more risky from an injury standpoint—rates.

The researchers hypothesized that this increase in impact forces while wearing the Hoka One One running shoes was potentially attributable to runners unconsciously altering their biomechanics while running in the highly cushioned shoes.

After forming this hypothesis, the researchers wondered if habitual training in maximalist running shoes would enable the runner to adapt their biomechanics to the shoe over time, eliminating the increase in impact forces demonstrated in the study.

A subsequent study4Hannigan, J. J., & Pollard, C. D. (2019). A 6-Week Transition to Maximal Running Shoes Does Not Change Running Biomechanics. The American Journal of Sports Medicine47(4), 968–973. https://doi.org/10.1177/0363546519826086 carried out by the same research group investigated this very notion.

A person with foot pain wondered if Hoka One One hurt their feet.

This time, the purpose of the study was to investigate whether training regularly in maximalist running shoes, rather than just wearing them for a single 5k trial on the treadmill, would cause a natural shift in the runners’ biomechanics such that they would acclimate and their legs would absorb less impact stress over time.

In this follow-up study, researchers looked at the vertical ground-reaction force (impact forces) and ankle kinematics (biomechanics) while running in maximalist shoes (Hoka Bondi 5) versus standard running shoes (New Balance 880v2) with a normal amount of cushioning.

The study group consisted of 28 adult runners who had been running at least 15 miles per week without incurring an injury in the previous six months at the start of the study.

All the runners in the study were rearfoot strikers.

This time, runners did two trials—one wearing each shoe—at baseline. 

A pair of grey and blue running shoes.

Then, they trained for six weeks in the maximalist running shoes, gradually increasing the percentage of their total mileage done in the Hokas until all of their training was done wearing the maximalist shoes.

After the six weeks of acclimating to the Hoka One One running shoes, the runners completed the same trials on the treadmill in the maximalist shoes and the traditional trainers.

Interestingly, researchers found that no adaptations were made after training in the Hoka One One Running shoes.

Results indicated that the maximum running shoe’s loading rate and peak impact forces were again higher.

Moreover, the maximal running shoe altered biomechanics, such that runners everted at toe-off and landed with less dorsiflexion in the Hoka One One shoe compared to the New Balance shoe.

Therefore, runners did not adapt their biomechanics to accommodate the increased cushioning in the Hoka, even after training in them for six weeks.

Consequently, the researchers concluded that running in Hoka One One or other maximalist running shoes may increase the risk of injury since running in them subjects the legs to higher and faster forces and alters foot and ankle motion. 

A blue running shoe.

Can Hokas Reduce the Risk Of Injury?

None of this is to say you should immediately ditch your Hoka running shoes, head over to your local running store, and start wearing the least cushioned running shoes you can find.

Most podiatrists and shoe experts say that just because the body may absorb more force when you wear maximal cushioning running shoes doesn’t necessarily mean that wearing Hokas will cause an injury.

Rather, some of these experts postulate that maximal running shoes alter the application of forces or stresses on the foot and lower limb compared to traditional running shoes.

As such, depending on your personal “weak” areas or injury risk, running in Hoka One One running shoes may actually decrease the risk of injury.

A pair of cushioned running shoes.

For example, a small study5Ogston, J. K. (2019). Comparison of in-shoe plantar loading forces between minimalist and maximalist cushion running shoes. Footwear Science11(1), 55–61. https://doi.org/10.1080/19424280.2018.1561760 found that running in Hoka One One maximalist shoes reduces plantar pressure in the feet compared to wearing a minimalist running shoe (New Balance Minimus Hi-Rez).

The magnitude of this reduction was especially significant in the forefoot.

Therefore, runners who struggle with foot injuries, particularly issues such as metatarsalgia, metatarsal stress fractures, plantar fasciitis, Morton’s neuroma, bunions, fat pad atrophy, or other toe and forefoot injuries, may benefit from wearing Hoka running shoes instead of minimalist running shoes.

Additionally, many Hoka One One running shoes have a rocker sole, which can help support the heel-to-toe transition while you run and minimize necessary foot motion.

Although this is thought to weaken your foot muscles over time and may not be advantageous for many healthy runners, it can be an incredibly helpful and pain-reducing feature for runners with arthritis in the feet, tarsal tunnel syndrome, and joint effusions.

Again, it all comes down to your own needs as a runner. There’s truly no one-size-fits-all approach to the best running shoes to reduce the risk of injury.

There are so many different brands and types of shoes out there, such as Brooks, Asics, Altra, Saucony, On Cloud, Adidas, Nike, that it can be overwhelming when choosing which are best for you. When you’re ready to get your new pair of running or walking shoes, check out the following guide:


  • 1
    DAOUD, A. I., GEISSLER, G. J., WANG, F., SARETSKY, J., DAOUD, Y. A., & LIEBERMAN, D. E. (2012). Foot Strike and Injury Rates in Endurance Runners. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise44(7), 1325–1334. https://doi.org/10.1249/mss.0b013e3182465115
  • 2
    Saragiotto, B. T., Yamato, T. P., & Lopes, A. D. (2014). What Do Recreational Runners Think About Risk Factors for Running Injuries? A Descriptive Study of Their Beliefs and Opinions. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy44(10), 733–738. https://doi.org/10.2519/jospt.2014.5710
  • 3
    Pollard, C. D., Ter Har, J. A., Hannigan, J. J., & Norcross, M. F. (2018). Influence of Maximal Running Shoes on Biomechanics Before and After a 5K Run. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine6(6), 232596711877572. https://doi.org/10.1177/2325967118775720
  • 4
    Hannigan, J. J., & Pollard, C. D. (2019). A 6-Week Transition to Maximal Running Shoes Does Not Change Running Biomechanics. The American Journal of Sports Medicine47(4), 968–973. https://doi.org/10.1177/0363546519826086
  • 5
    Ogston, J. K. (2019). Comparison of in-shoe plantar loading forces between minimalist and maximalist cushion running shoes. Footwear Science11(1), 55–61. https://doi.org/10.1080/19424280.2018.1561760
Photo of author
Amber Sayer is a Fitness, Nutrition, and Wellness Writer and Editor, as well as a NASM-Certified Nutrition Coach and UESCA-certified running, endurance nutrition, and triathlon coach. She holds two Masters Degrees—one in Exercise Science and one in Prosthetics and Orthotics. As a Certified Personal Trainer and running coach for 12 years, Amber enjoys staying active and helping others do so as well. In her free time, she likes running, cycling, cooking, and tackling any type of puzzle.

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