The 6 Best Core Exercises For Runners

Strengthen up and improve your performance with this routine

Most runners tend to grab their running shoes and focus most of their time on running and the workouts scheduled in their running training plan.

However, it is just as important to complement your running with other aspects of fitness, such as strength training. As a running coach, I always insist my runners add two strength training workouts to their weekly routine.

It is important to include full-body workouts, which include your core muscles!

If you are serious about your marathon or running training, you want to dedicate time to working your core throughout your training program. Neglecting your core muscles will hurt your performance and progress.

In this guide, we give you the best core exercises for runners that you can add to your strength workout to improve your running performance and assist in injury prevention.

text saying 'The 6 Best Core Exercises For Runners' and 'Marathon Handbook', with a lady in pushup position

Why is a strong core important For running?

Your core holds everything together and stabilizes the body during exercise. A strong core helps to prevent your body from swaying too heavily and prevents instability when running.

By keeping you stable, your body can more effectively hold its posture and maintain good running form over long periods of running, which in turn provides more efficient use of energy during your runs.

Put simply, when your core1Why your core muscles matter. (n.d.). Mayo Clinic. is strong, everything can work together more efficiently and in proper form to keep you in the game longer. It also gives you better balance, making you more stable over uneven terrain and when trail running, meaning you have a lower risk of running injuries.

Related: Weightlifting for Runners

a shirtless man with strong abs in black and white

What muscles make up your core?

Your core muscles are the muscle groups that make up your trunk and central body mass, including your pelvic floor, obliques, and abdominals.

They are also made up of some of the muscle groups in your lower back and upper legs, such as your spinal erectors and your glutes.ย 

This means that just doing sit-ups or bicycle crunches isnโ€™t enough to work your core to its maximum. Proper core workouts should include exercises that work your lower back, glutes, and abdominal muscles.

What Are The Best Core Exercises For Runners?

The three main exercises you should be concentrating on are an isometric hold, a dynamic movement, and a supplementary exercise.

These exercises will work the full range of core muscles and can be modified to work additional muscles or to provide an extra challenge once they become too easy.ย 

Most of the exercises use just your body weight, so they are easy to do anywhere.

Before any core strength or strength training workout, be sure to warm up beforehand with 5-10 minutes of light cardio.

Note: As most of these exercises require you to be on the floor, it would be worth investing in a good yoga mat for your comfort.

#1: The Plank

The plank is one of the easiest exercises to do but is easily one of the least enjoyable when done over a long period.

A plank is done for time, not reps, so set a timer at the start and see how long you can hold it. Start at 30 seconds and do that three times, and after a while, increase the time and the number of times you perform the exercise.

a lady doing the plank on the side of a running track

How to perform the plank:ย 

  1. Pick a spot on the floor that is even and you can lie on comfortably and lay flat on your front.
  2. Lift yourself off the ground onto your elbows (or hands which is called a full plank or a high plank) and toes, keeping them as your only points of contact.
  3. Hold your body steady and in a straight line from your ankles through your trunk and to your shoulders.
  4. Donโ€™t allow your body to dip when in the plank position.
  5. Performing the plank on your hands (as per step 2) rather than your elbows increases the difficulty of the exercise, as you must also focus on keeping your arms straight and your elbows locked at all times.

To make the plank harder, you can turn it into a dynamic exercise by moving up and down from your elbows to your hands over the course of your plank time. This is basically adding a push-up to the plank.

Just remember to keep your body locked and straight when moving up and down.

You can also try the side plank variation or mountain climbers. With mountain climbers, you take the full plank position, bring your right knee forward towards your arms, bring it back to the plank position, and then your left knee. Continue alternating!

#2: The Lying Leg Raise

Leg raises are a great way to build a stronger core while adding your hips into the equation. Perform them for sets of reps or see how many you can do over a period of time.

To help out your lower back, you can place your hands under your glutes as you lie down or, place your hands out to your side to stabilize yourself.

a lady on her back on a yoga mat on grass with her feet pointed directly up into the air, the sea is in the background

How to perform the lying leg raise:

  1. As with the plank, lay on the floor, but this time on your back, placing your hands either underneath your glutes or out to the sides to stabilize yourself.
  2. Keeping your legs straight, lift them off the floor and up to a 90-degree angle above your body. Be sure to keep your upper body and lower back on the ground.
  3. Lower your legs back to their starting position, keeping them 2-3 inches off the ground. This is one rep.
  4. Repeat this as many times as required for your set or until your time runs out.

#3: Single Leg Deadlift

The single-leg deadlift can be performed with bodyweight, a dumbbell, or kettlebell, and is excellent for helping to build your glutes, lower back, and balance. (You’ll also feel it in your hamstrings).

To make it harder either increase the weight or your repetitions, but always perform the same amounts of reps on both legs.

a lady outstretched in the '1 legged deadlift' position, standing on 1 leg on a path in between some trees and grass

How to perform the single leg deadlift:

  1. Use a spot where you can lean forward and have your legs stretched behind you as you perform the exercise. Start on your right leg.
  2. Hinging at the hips, tilt your body forward, keeping your back straight.
  3. Reach your right hand down toward your right foot as you hinge yourself toward the ground. At the bottom of your exercise, your body and left leg should be in a straight line. You can also start with your hands raised above your head and keep them in line with your torso all the way through the motion.
  4. Return your body to its original position, keeping your torso straight all the way through.
  5. Make sure to perform the same amount of reps on your right side and your left side.

Another great exercise for core and balance is the bird dog, and for glutes, the glute bridge!

#4: Hollow Hold

A hollow hold is a static hold done from your backย while on the floor.ย This exercise is done for time rather than reps, so set the clock and go.

a lady on a wooden floor in a studio in the 'hollow hold' position

How to perform the hollow hold:

  1. While lying on your back, stretch your arms and legs out as far as they can go.
  2. When ready, start your timer and raise your arms and feet off the floor around 18-24โ€, keeping your arms and legs straight.
    Hold this V position, focusing on keeping your abdominal muscles tight and activated.
  3. Release when the timer ends.

#5: Ankle Taps

Ankle taps are great to really work and burn your core when youโ€™re feeling up for it. Theyโ€™re incredibly simple to do and will help work both your abdominal muscles as well as your obliques.

a lady doing a sit up in a gym

How to perform the ankle taps:

  1. Sit down on your mat and bring your feet up to your bottom as if you were going to perform a sit-up.
  2. Raise your shoulder blades off the floor in a partial crunch. You should feel this working right in your abdominals.
  3. For a set amount of time, reach down with your left arm and tap your left foot with your left hand.
  4. Then, while bringing this arm back up, reach down to your right ankle with your right arm and touch it with your right hand.
  5. Repeat this over and over, not allowing your shoulder blades to touch the floor, keeping your core muscles engaged.
  6. Continue until youโ€™ve reached your number of reps or time limit.

#6: Superman/Skydivers

This final exercise is perfect for working your low back muscles, especially your spinal erectors. This helps balance out your core workout so that you strengthen your back as well as your front.

a lady in a the superman exercise pose on a yoga mat on a beach

How to perform Superman/Skydivers:

  1. Lying flat on your mat again, but face down this time.
  2. Bring your arms out in front of you, then bend them slightly at the elbows.
  3. When ready, raise your arms, legs, and chest off the ground. Your belly should be the only point of contact with the ground.
  4. If performed correctly, you should feel the work in your spinal muscles holding up your arms, legs, and chest. You should look like a skydiver falling through the sky, hence the name.
  5. Release the hold once you reach your time limit.

Wrapping Up Your Core

Core work should be a major part of any runnerโ€™s training program.

Strengthening your core not only makes your running more efficient but also improves your balance. It will help prevent injuries down the road by increasing your stabilization and ensuring you maintain proper form when running for extended periods.

It can also help prevent lower back pain in general.

If you haven’t already, start utilizing these 6 best core exercises for runners in your core routines, and you should see a big improvement in your game down the line. Just a quick 10 minute core workout can make a difference.

You can use the above exercises as inspiration and a starting point to build your own custom core workouts. Listen to your body and find what works for you.

Just rememberโ€”start low with the number of reps and sets you perform and work your way up over time, especially if you havenโ€™t done any targeted ab training in the past.

For a total body resistance band workout, check out this next guide:


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Thomas Watson

Running Coach + Founder

Thomas Watson is an ultra-runner, UESCA-certified running coach, and the founder of Marathon Handbook. His work has been featured in Runner's World,, MapMyRun, and many other running publications. He likes running interesting races and playing with his three little kids. More at his bio.

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