The majority of runners usually prefer to run outdoors in the fresh air, taking even an outdoor rainy or snowy run over the boredom and monotony of running indoors on a treadmill.
For this reason, the running community has even created a tongue-in-cheek nickname for the treadmill—the “dreadmill”—to encapsulate the only-if-you-have-to attitude many runners harbor in terms of doing treadmill workouts.
However, as much as treadmill running may not offer the change of scenery, fresh air, and mental stimulation that only an outdoor run can provide, the treadmill can actually be a highly effective tool in any runner’s toolkit.
With a little positive thinking and focusing your mind on the benefits of treadmill workouts, you can start embracing them and using this tool to help you become a faster, stronger, and more efficient runner.
In this guide, we’ve created some of the most effective treadmill workouts for runners. Embrace the treadmill and give these a go!
What Are The Benefits of Treadmill Workouts for Runners?
I know that I have been able to use a treadmill in times of need such as during the winter months in New England, or when the timing just doesn’t make running outside a viable option that day.
Here are some of the great benefits of getting in your cardio workout on a treadmill:
- Safety: Whether it is dark outside, the roads are slippery, or you’re in an unfamiliar or unsafe area, running on the treadmill keeps you safe and off the streets.
- Convenience: Particularly if you buy a treadmill for your home gym, nothing is more convenient than getting in a treadmill workout at home. If you have kids and can’t get out of the house for a run without leaving them alone or want to squeeze in a quick workout during nap time or on your lunch break, treadmill workouts can be the most time-efficient option.
- Race Course Simulation: Treadmill workouts also have performance benefits for runners. You can simulate a race course on your treadmill to dial in the specificity of your training. Some of the higher-end home treadmills even allow you to make courses using Google Maps, and the treadmill will automatically adjust according to the route’s gradient.
- Hill Workouts: If you live in a flat area, you can use the treadmill incline to simulate hill running. Excessive downhill running during hill workouts can bother your knees; you can avoid this during outdoor hill sprint intervals by doing your hill interval training reps on the treadmill.
- Effective Training: Research suggests that running on the treadmill can be an effective training tool for runners and does a good job replicating outdoor running on flat ground, as long as the incline is set to 1% grade.1Jones, A. M., & Doust, J. H. (1996). A 1% treadmill grade most accurately reflects the energetic cost of outdoor running. Journal of Sports Sciences, 14(4), 321–327.
- Reduced Impact: As we know, running is not a low-impact exercise. However, if you run on a treadmill with a well-cushioned running deck, you might experience lower joint impact forces, which can be great for runners with arthritis, joint pain, or low bone density.
- Control Workout Paces: If you need to practice running at a specific pace or zone, such as an intense workout where you need to run all out or a steady-state pace you want to keep, you can easily control your pace by punching the numbers into the machine.
How Can I Vary My Treadmill Routine To Prevent Boredom And Improve Results?
Almost any type of running workout can benefit runners, from an easy run to high-intensity interval training to incline walking. But, we have put together some of our favorites for you to try out that will keep you on your toes:
#1: 1-1-1-1 HIIT Treadmill Workout
This is a challenging HIIT treadmill workout for runners training for the 5K or 10K. You can also use it for marathon training treadmill workouts because it’s a great way to keep your legs sharp.
This HIIT treadmill running workout is great for building physical and mental stamina to handle faster paces for longer distances. It will also train your body to shift into faster gears when tired.
The number of rounds you should complete of this interval workout will depend on your training level and target race.
Beginners can start with just one set after a warm-up and cool-down, but experienced runners can work up to performing 4-8 complete rounds of the workout. Each round takes 4 minutes.
Begin with a 5-10 minute warm-up at a comfortable pace.
Then, do 1-8 rounds of the following:
- 1 minute at 10K pace
- 1 minute at 5K pace
- 1 minute at mile pace
- 1 minute at recovery pace
Keep cycling through, shifting gears at each minute mark without stopping in between.
If you are a beginner, you may need to take the recovery as a one minute walk, either a brisk walk or an easy walking pace to bring your heart rate back down.
As you get fitter, you can remove the low-intensity recovery minute and try to do 3-6 rounds with just the pace work.
Cool down for 1 mile.
#2: 5K Race Pace Treadmill Workout
This is a challenging running treadmill routine to help you train for a 5K.
The entire workout is only 5 km.
- Warm up by running 1 km at an easy pace.
- Run the next 1 to 3 km at your 5K race pace.
- Cool down the last kilometer at an easy pace.
Beginners and intermediate runners should run the 2nd km at race pace, take the 3rd km at a recovery pace, run the 4th km again at race pace, and finish with the cool-down the last kilometer at an easy pace or easy jog.
Experienced runners should run kilometers 2-4 at race pace, getting in a 3K effort.
#3: 10-Mile Half Marathon Progression Long Run Treadmill Running Workout
Doing long runs on the treadmill can be boring, but if you are trying to train for a half marathon or marathon during the winter months, you have to get your mileage in, and sometimes the treadmill is the best, or only, option.
This 10-mile progression long run will help you train for a half marathon and break up the monotony of a treadmill long run performed at the same steady pace the entire time.
Because there is intensity built into the workout, the distance of the long run is only 10 miles, even for experienced runners.
However, if you feel like you want to run further and your training supports more volume, feel free to tweak the distance and format of the workout according to your fitness routine and needs.
Here’s what you will do:
- Run 3 miles easy.
- Run 3 miles (miles 3-6) at marathon pace. (Moderate intensity)
- Run 3 miles (miles 6-9) at goal half marathon pace. (High intensity)
- For the last mile, if you’re a beginner, run at an easy pace, or maintain your half marathon pace to the end if you’re an advanced runner.
#4: 18-Mile Marathon Progression Treadmill Long Run
If you are training for a marathon, here is an advanced treadmill long-run workout that will break up the monotony of a steady-paced run.
- Begin at an easy run pace (90-120 seconds slower than goal marathon pace).
- For miles 3-6, run 90 seconds per mile slower than goal marathon pace.
- For miles 6-9, run 60 seconds per mile slower than goal marathon pace.
- For miles 9-12, run 30 seconds slower per mile than goal marathon pace.
- For miles 12-18, run at goal marathon pace, finishing with a kick.
Given the intensity of this workout, it should not be substituted for a long run that is only slated to be 18 miles, as it will be more physically taxing than an easy run of that distance.
Instead, it’s important to factor in the intensity of your overall training plan and modify other workouts in your week accordingly.
#5: Treadmill Tempo Runs
The treadmill can be a great training tool for tempo runs because you can set the pace you need to run and then turn your brain off, focusing on keeping up and distracting yourself with some form of entertaining media.
You can replicate exactly what your training schedule dictates regarding your tempo run’s distance or target time.
If you are not following a training plan, perform a treadmill tempo run by:
- Warm up for 5-15 minutes, depending on your fitness level.
- Run for 20 minutes or more at your threshold run pace, which is the pace that you can maintain for one hour of running at a full-out effort or somewhere between your 10k and half marathon race paces.
- Cool down with 5 to 15 minutes of easy running.
#6: Treadmill Hill Workout
An incline treadmill workout is an excellent way to simulate hill training and get some high-intensity exercise in. As a certified personal trainer and runner, I love hill workouts because they combine strength training and running.
It can strengthen your lower body, including your glutes, hamstrings, and calves, and torch a lot of calories if you are looking for a fat-burning, weight-loss kind of workout.
Here is a hill sprint incline treadmill workout:
- Warm up with 1 to 3 miles (2-5 km) of easy running.
- Run 5 x 30 seconds at your sprint pace at 6% incline with 60 seconds at 1% grade at an easy pace for recovery between each.
- Run 5 x 30 seconds at your sprint pace at 8% incline with 60 seconds at 1% grade at an easy pace for recovery between each.
- Cool down by running easy for 1 to 3 miles (2-5 km).
Be sure to stretch your hamstrings and calves after the workout.
#7: Tempo HIIT Running Treadmill Workout Sandwich
Combining strength and speed into one workout is a very effective way to train your metabolic and cardiovascular systems to sustain faster running paces for longer distances.
This is a sandwich workout where the “bread” will be two sections of HIIT intervals, while the “meat and cheese” (or veggies!) filling of the sandwich will be a tempo effort.
Warm up with five minutes to 15 minutes of easy running.
Here’s how to do this treadmill running workout based on your race distance:
- 5K: 4 X 0.3 miles (or 600 meters) at mile pace with 90 seconds recovery, 1-mile tempo effort, 4 X 0.3 miles (or 600 meters) at mile pace with 90 seconds recovery.
- 10K and half marathon: 3 X 0.6 miles or 1,000m at 5K pace with 90 seconds recovery, 2-mile tempo (3-4 for half marathon), 3 X 1,000m at 5K pace with 90 seconds recovery.
- Marathon: 3 x 1 mile at 5K-10K pace with 90 seconds recovery, 4-mile tempo effort, 3 x 1 mile at 5K-10K pace with 90 seconds recovery.
Cool down with 5-15 minutes of easy running.
So, when the weather or darkness has you hitting the treadmill rather than the roads and trails, try out one of these treadmill running workouts and see if it passes the time and helps you become a faster and stronger runner.
If you are thinking about using your treadmill for some incline treadmill walking workouts, check out this next guide: