
Join Our Marathon Training Strava Club!

Hey guys, interested in a marathon training Strava club?

Today we are launching our Marathon Handbook Runners Strava Club, open to all runners.

We’re excited to use the marathon training Strava Club as a means to build our bind our community together.

We get thousands of runners using our resources each week, and now our goal is to connect them – in order to share resources, stories, wins, and discuss any issues).

Join Our Marathon Training Strava Club! 1

We launched our Marathon Handbook Facebook Group recently, and it now has over 600 members and active discussions from runners at every stage of their marathon journey.

Now we are taking another step to connect our community with our marathon training Strava Club! You can share your workouts, meet other runners, and compare notes with other members of our community.

I personally love Strava (so much so that I wrote a blog on the subject) – it has quickly become the go-to activity tracker for runners and other athletes. 

Why Should I Use Strava for Running?

In case you’re unfamiliar with Strava, let me give you a quick overview of what it is.

Strava is an activity-tracking app with a social platform.

In other words, you can use Strava to easily record, track, and analyse your runs – then you can share them with your friends.

It’s incredibly simple to use – you just need to use your smartphone or GPS watch. Download the app, and just tell it when you start running and when you finish.

A Feel-Good Social Media Platform

Strava’s main screen is similar to Facebook, Instagram or Twitter, in that it is an activity feed of posts made by people in your network.

However, in Strava these posts are all about their workouts – you see the map of where they’ve run, the metrics of their workout, and any photos they’ve added.

No bitch-moaning and complaining about politics, sports, or whatever else is going on in other social media platforms.

It’s all about your workout – nothing else.

The Marathon Training Strava Club

All this makes Strava the perfect home for our marathon training community.

The best part is that once you join the marathon training Strava club, everything is automatic. Your runs are instantly added to the club’s weekly mileage stats, you can choose to engage or relax.

It’s a great place to check out how other marathon runners-in-training are doing too!


So log your runs through your phone or GPS watch, and join the conversation!

So without further ado . . .


(or find us by searching for Marathon Handbook in the Strava app).

Photo of author
Thomas Watson is an ultra-runner, UESCA-certified running coach, and the founder of MarathonHandbook.com. His work has been featured in Runner's World, Livestrong.com, MapMyRun, and many other running publications. He likes running interesting races and playing with his two tiny kids. More at his bio.

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