Welcome to our Half Marathon Pace calculator.
This calculator gives you your target pace and even time splits for a half-marathon race based on your target race time.
The results are shown in both miles and kilometers.
To achieve your target race time, your average speed needs to be the same as the target pace given by the calculator or faster.
Scroll to the bottom of the calculator to download your results as a PDF.
Half Marathon Pace Calculator
What Should My Half Marathon Pace Be?
Your half marathon pace should reflect your finish time goal for the race.
For more info on how to decide your pacing and time goals, check out our definitive guide to marathon pacing.
How to Calculate Half Marathon Pace?
Half-marathon pace is calculated by dividing your target half-marathon time by the half-marathon distance (13.11 miles or 21.10 kilometers).
If you want to calculate pace yourself, you need to make sure all of the units are properly converted. For example, a target time of 3 hours and 30 minutes needs to be converted to minutes before being calculated.
Luckily, the calculator does these conversions for you.
What Are Split Times? Split Times In Running Explained
A split is a timed section of your run. A split time is typically given for each kilometer or mile of your run. Split times allow runners to break up their run into smaller sections so they can better monitor their speed and progress throughout the run.
Nowadays, most GPS running watches give you the option to log split times for every kilometer or mile.
Some runners aim for even splits, whereby the same amount of time is taken to complete each section of the run. This means that the speed of the runner remains relatively consistent throughout the race.
Other runners aim for negative splits, whereby sections in the second half of the run are completed in less time, meaning that the second half of the race is run faster than the first half of the race. The aim of this is to better maintain a manageable pace, stop burn-out, and give an extra boost of energy and speed towards the end of the race.
You can read our detailed guide on negative splits here.
How Can I Use The Half Marathon Calculator?
The half marathon pace calculator has many uses. Here are some examples:
Calculating How Fast You Should Run Based On A Target Finish Time
If you’ve got a target finish goal time in mind – enter it into the calculator above and hit calculate to find out what pace you need to maintain to beat it.
Top tip: always aim for a race pace a bit faster than your target pace to give yourself a bit of headroom and account for small unexpected delays.
Finding Out The Pace Of A Famous Half Marathon Time You’ve Seen
Are you curious as to how the world record half marathon pace compares to your 5K pace?
Enter it into the calculator and find out (hint – it’s fast).
Half Marathon Pace Charts
Half Marathon Pace Chart – Miles/Imperial (US)
Half Marathon Pace Chart – Kilometers/Metric
Other Running Calculators
- Marathon Pace Calculator
- Custom Running Pace Calculator
- Race Time Calculator: Predict Your Race Finish Times
- Marathon Time Calculator: Predict Your Marathon Race Time
- Age-Grade Calculator: Analyse, Compare, & Predict Races
What Is A Good Half Marathon Pace?
There is no universal ‘good’ pace for the half marathon race distance, as everyone has their own half marathon goals and levels of fitness.
You can check out our guide on how some people might define a good or average pace here.
How To Achieve My Target Pace And Finish Time?
Once you’ve determined your target pace and finish line time goal – check out one of our specific finish-time goal-based half marathon training plans to help you get to your next race reliably, safely, and injury-free.
Our training programs include weekly training runs, with tempo runs and speed work to help increase your lactate threshold, VO2 max, & threshold pace whilst increasing running speed, power, and running economy, complemented by easy runs and weekend long runs to help build your long-distance stamina and strength training to build strength and prevent injury.