How Micro-Periodization Leads To Max Performance

'+ Complete guide to headwinds & tailwinds

How Micro-Periodization Leads To Max Performance 1

Hereโ€™s your free but abridged version of this weekโ€™s โ€œRun Long, Run Healthyโ€ newsletter. Subscribe below to receive the complete, full-text edition with the newest and most authoritative scientific articles on training, nutrition, shoes, injury prevention, and motivation.

Hot Tip: How Micro-Periodization Leads To Max Performance

How Micro-Periodization Leads To Max Performance 2

Everyone knows that you canโ€™t train hard every day. As a result, we have developed many varieties of โ€œperiodizationโ€ in training.

The simplest works like this: Alternate hard days and easy days. Some would say, โ€œTake two easy days after every hard day.โ€ (Or three, or โ€ฆ ???) Your age and fitness determine the number of recovery days you need.

Marathon coaches and runners often take entire โ€œcutback weeksโ€ during their 12 to 16-week buildups. These weeks allow you to build your weekly mileage and long-run distance without hitting the wall pre-race. Iโ€™ve always supported this schema.

However, new technologies might provide a better way. Instead of using heavy-handed, non-physiological math to determine training patterns, take a cutback week once every month; you could monitor your stress fatigue more precisely.

Thatโ€™s the argument made in a recent editorial on โ€œthe new frontier of micro periodization for endurance.โ€ The authors, a team of endurance-training experts, believe that older periodization systems are wasteful and limiting.

Why? Because they ask athletes to take too many easy days that arenโ€™t necessary according to daily biological data. Instead, if body measurements say, โ€œIโ€™m good to go,โ€ the athlete can train hard. Even if (s)he had trained hard the previous day.

In this system, you forget about the calendar. Instead, you use objective tools like heart rate variability, sleep, muscle damage enzymes, and hormone fluctuations. These can help you โ€œeliminate unnecessary unloading weeks, which entail an unjustified reduction in training load.โ€

The authors believe this system allows for โ€œmaximizing the training load and achievable adaptationsโ€ while limiting injuries and overtraining.

Conclusion: โ€œMicroperiodization emerges as a new frontier in the periodization of endurance disciplines.โ€ This is indeed an exciting new frontier.

At the same time, I still like cutback weeks. If youโ€™re not aiming for Olympic gold or a Marathon Majors win, itโ€™s better to be safe than sorry. More at The J of Sports Medicine & Physical Fitness. More details in this great podcast at KoopCast.โ€‹

RELATED ARTICLE: Periodization: Our Expert Training Guide On How To Plan Your Training Seasonโ€‹ers

Complete Guide To Headwinds & Tailwinds

How Micro-Periodization Leads To Max Performance 3

We runners love tailwinds and hate headwinds. As performance PhD and blogger John Davis points out, there’s a good scientific explanation for this.

He writes: โ€œA headwind will slow you down by two or three times as much as the equivalent tailwind will speed you up.โ€ So whenever you qualify for the Boston Marathon, youโ€™d better hope you donโ€™t get a headwind blowing against you from the East.

On the other hand, a circular urban marathon can give you some protection from the wind. Davis says: โ€œIn a dense urban area, the actual wind speed you encounter might be less than half the nominal wind speed measured by a weather station.โ€

His article on tailwinds and headwinds is longer, more technical, and more mathematical than most will care to read in full. But you can jump down to his โ€œRecapโ€ for the summary. Then youโ€™ll want to head over to his amazing calculator.

First, set it to your expected running pace in minutes/mile (other units are available). The default wind is a headwind, which you can adjust with the < > buttons. To see the effect of a tailwind, grab the blue wind infographic (set at โ€œNโ€ for north) with your cursor and rotate it to โ€œS.โ€ Now, you can play with various tailwinds.

In either case, the calculator instantly adjusts your pace depending on your selected headwind or tailwind. Itโ€™s a very clever tool.

You canโ€™t do much to change the winds you encounter on race day. But this tool makes it easy to adjust race outcomes if you want. It also helps you understand why drafting makes a difference since it cuts down headwinds. More at Running Writings.โ€‹

โ€‹RELATED ARTICLE: What Is Drafting? + How This Controversial Tactic Can Win You Back Seconds (Or Minutes!)

Face It: Strange Facial Expressions Can Boost Endurance

How Micro-Periodization Leads To Max Performance 4

Top U.S. distance runner Colleen Quigley, a 2016 Olympian in the steeplechase, caused more than a few raised eyebrows with a recent post on Instagram. She shared a video of herself doing a tongue-pulling exercise to relieve pelvis tension. This, in turn, improves her running.

Quigley does this tongue-pulling before hard workouts and races. โ€œ1000% the weirdest muscle release Iโ€™ve ever done, but I swear it works,โ€ she wrote.

Most respondents got a good laugh from the unusual reel, while a few said they had done the same thing in their operatic careers or when working with horses.

Hereโ€™s an explanatory article on Quigleyโ€™s tongue exercise with a link to the original Instagram post. I couldnโ€™t find any evidence-based support for Quigleyโ€™s practice, but that doesnโ€™t mean none exists. Some in the strength-training world advocate that tongue placement in the mouth, towards the roof of the mouth vs, lower, affects muscle performance.

Quigley reminded me of faces Iโ€™ve seen among Maori rugby players. I think a bit of tongue-pulling and haka on road race starting lines could liven things up a bit.

In addition, weโ€™ve heard that a smile can help you run faster. Also, weโ€™ve all seen runners wearing nasal strips, while some research has supported jaw-repositioning mouthguards โ€œfor performance enhancement in both aerobic and anaerobic performances.โ€ Maybe the face, tongue, and jaw deserve more attention.

RELATED ARTICLE: Colleen Quigleyโ€™s Pre-Race Routine Includes This Exerciseโ€ฆ With Her Tongueid Itโ€‹

SHORT STUFF You Donโ€™t Want To Miss

HEREโ€™S WHAT ELSE YOU WOULD HAVE RECEIVED this week if you were a subscriber to the complete, full-text edition of โ€œRun Long, Run Healthy.โ€ SUBSCRIBE HERE.

  • The single best high-intensity workout for your lifetime of running
  • Which is better–caffeine vs sodium bicarbonate?
  • 5 evidence-based tips for successful run-walk training
  • How to decrease triathlon-training injuries
  • Donโ€™t be carb-smart and carb-dumb at the same time
  • Lacking runner confidence? Not any more
  • How aerobic fitness makes your heart 20 years younger
  • What Australian great Rob de Castella can tell you about marathon running

Thatโ€™s all for now. Thanks for reading. See you again next week. Amby

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Amby Burfoot

Editor At Large

Amby Burfoot stands as a titan in the running world. Crowned the Boston Marathon champion in 1968, he became the first collegian to win this prestigious event and the first American to claim the title since John Kelley in 1957. As well as a stellar racing career, Amby channeled his passion for running into journalism. He joined Runnerโ€™s World magazine in 1978, rising to the position of Editor-in-Chief and then serving as its Editor-at-Large. As well as being the author of several books on running, he regularly contributes articles to the major publications, and curates his weekly Run Long, Run Healthy Newsletter.

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